Friday, April 16, 2010

45 blocks and back for great coffee...

... and it was totally worth it. The NY Times has an article about NYC's coffee, with a list of recommended coffee shops. It is my mission to visit every single one. Today, I ran down to E 7th St to sample the first place on the list, Abraco Espresso, poke around the neighborhood, and run home. Ordered a black drip coffee (brewed by the cup) and a slice of olive oil cake. Oh, man... I will run 90 blocks for coffee any day as long as its for this coffee! Its teeny tiny inside with standing room only, and outside there's a small bench and bar. Since today was slightly chilly, and I was boiling hot from running there, I people watched outside. The people watching is as good as the coffee.

To get there, I ran down 1st Ave, past the UN. There's a cute little park across the street from the UN, surrounded by an equally cute little neighborhood, so I detoured a bit to explore.

Post coffee, I putzed around Abraco for a bit before running home and decided the East Village is magic. Have only been there in nighttime drunkeness, so I've never been sure if it was as interesting and wacky as I remember, or if it was just me. Drunk. It fits my sober brain, too.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Gorgeous Run!

Yesterday, I met up with one of my best friends ever in life (and college roommate/partner in silly crime) for a run, followed by dinner and putzing around. Our run started in the West Village, took us down the West Side Highway and into Battery Park City. It was totally beautiful, and after the 4 miles it took us, made us ravenously hungry. So, we had cheap, delicious burgers at Corner Bistro. Good day.

This guy is just crazy awesome. On roller blades.

Coffee, wine, chocolate & outdoor WiFi?!?!

Its real. Had a meeting with my most fun freelance client in Park Slope at the coolest coffee shop ever. Why is it so cool? Because it also has wine, chocolate and free outdoor WiFi. More points for Brooklyn, as far as finding a real place to live goes! Se llama Cocoa Bar. Le amo.

Crazy busy...

For serious! Here's some fun stuff from the past few packed days:

and, of course:

Friday, April 9, 2010

This life is fake. Right?

I'm starting to feel like I live in a movie... as I sit, doodling and social networking (fancy term for Facebook? yes.) in a mid-town coffee shop (getting super high off incredibly strong black brew) on my MacBookPro listening to a Pandora crooner radio station on a rainy New York day. Even have on my Chuck Taylor's.

A little sore from yesterday's run; have a long walk on the schedule for today, which should loosen my legs up a bit. More photos on the way (should be some fun ones, as the next few days are slated to be pretty awesome as far as fun stuff to do)!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Night Running & Imaginary Friends

There are tons of runners out at 9pm. Also, tons of other people doing other things. Ran 40 blocks up 2nd Ave, then 40 blocks back down Lex. 2nd was bustling, so I bobbed, weaved and dodged like a scared rabbit through a pack of dogs (and I was that fast, too)! Lex was much more relaxed as far as people traffic, so I sprinted every other block. My legs hurt, already.

Unfortunately, I didn't take a single picture. Though, I did spot tons of things to take pictures of... but since most of then were human beings, and stopping a run to snap a photo isn't all that inconspicuous, I decided photog-ing wouldn't be a great idea.

The most memorable thing I wish I had captured would've been impossible, anyways - I accidentally bumped into an invisible woman named "Carol." Carol and her invisible friends, whose names I didn't catch, were accompanied by a visible and irate Archie Bunker look-alike, who, while trying to convince his invisible posse all people are "stupid," excused me from Carol's way. Interesting. Scary. Awesome. I love the eccentrics.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Today is too pretty to be sittin' on a train.

So, I'll just have to take a later one back into the city. On a running note, this movie about running made me pee my pants a little (not really, but it was pee-inducing funny)! I kinda feel like I look like this guy when I run... I know I don't, but sometimes... Also, love the soundtrack, the man fight, the spatula dude and the skivvies.

Monday, April 5, 2010

This has nothing to do with running or New York.

But I'm so super excited about it!!!! Polaroid's back!!!

Missing MY dogs.

Got to run with my dogs, today. I miss them! They can't live with me in NYC, yet, since I'm sleeping on a futon in a friend's studio for the time being... Cannot WAIT to have my own place with my little family back together! Although, I'm pretty sure Izzy will totally hate New York. The rumble of the subway underfoot will completely freak her out. Roscoe, on the other hand, probably won't even notice the location change (he's just that dumb).

Was planning on a 4.5 mile run, but had to cut it short and made it 3. Its super hilly, here, so I'm ok with it. Also, might go for a skateboard at the beach, later!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Found a dog, today!

In Connecticut for a couple of days, and had Easter dinner in Mystic. While walking around outside with a delicious Easter anginette cookie (made by my little chef friend, Rachel), I found a dog. A giant Bernese Mountain Dog. He wanted my cookie. I wanted to cuddle. We made friends. I later found out he was the neighbor's dog and walked him home (have to admit I was kinda sad he couldn't come home with me, instead).

So, tomorrow's run will be in my hometown 'hood, with my dogs! Yay! (They're the best running dogs, ever - well, one of them is. The other one is just pathetically cute at everything, even if he sucks at it.) Thinking maybe a beach run because of this beautiful weather. Have to work off all of that Easter dessert!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Empire State for Spring

The street where I live (for now)...

... is pretty with its karaoke bar and dogwood tree. (Is that a dogwood? Not sure, but its pretty, nonetheless.)

Union Square in the Dark

Walked back through Union Square later that night...

... and found some Ugly Dolls.

Beets. Bears. Battlestar Galactica.

Union Square Market is just the best. Its the super-est super market pretty much ever. Fresh from the farm milk (in glass bottles you're supposed to return to the vendor the following week), eggs, fish, meat, baked goods, flowers, all kinds of seasonal fruits and veggies, ciders, syrups, art, "Rolexes" and crazies can all be found there. And, its got organic beets (though, their farm vendor was disappointingly not Dwight Schrute). Oh! And its got a crazy awesome holiday fair, too. During the holidays. Duh.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My feet hurt but its ok cuz the sun's out!!!

Not only am I getting a run in everyday, but I have yet to use my MetroCard since I got here; even in the pouring rain, I can't help but walk. My feet hurt. Fo'reals. Not going to stop me from walking everywhere, though... too much to gawk at!

Today, I took it easy on the run (only about 2.5 miles) - up the Central Park side of 5th, and a slow meander back. Stopped by the Frick Museum, and realized I should make a "to-do" list of fun. Haven't visited the Frick since an art field trip in high school.

The short run was followed by a manic shower and dash out to meet a friend for lunch 20 blocks away, then back to the apartment to finish up on some freelance work before heading back down to Union Square this afternoon. I love it here. My feet will forgive me.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fire in the Sky!

This photo was taken around midnight... the glow between those buildings is the lit top of the Empire State Building, hidden in dense fog. Cool, right? A few blocks later, I got a clearer picture, but the top of the building is still just a giant glowy cloud.

Even when its pouring rain, New York is gorgeous.


I love Lexington Ave. Mostly because its easy to pretend I own every café, bodega and deli on it. I've decided that someday, if all my little Lex businesses make me so filthy rich the only thing left to do would be to become a self-made techie super-villan or vigilante, I'd change my name to Lex Lexington.

Also, its still raining. And is going to rain all day tomorrow, too. Bleh. The tulips seem to enjoy it, though.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Maybe this is about more than running.

The rain finally stopped, I was craving coffee and I knew hunger was just around the corner... So, I went for a walk. Today, I managed to clock 4 miles at a crowd maneuvering run and another 4 miles at a caffeinated walk.

It was beautiful - dusky and crisp. Walked up 3rd Ave until I realized I had walked over 30 blocks (coffee induced fog) and was now somewhere in the high 80's. So, I headed over to 5th to walk back down along Central Park and get a glimpse of the Metropolitan Museum of Art lit up for the evening. The Upper East Side is much quieter than everywhere else around here - more doormen than chinese restaurants. I enjoyed not having to play Frogger with the sidewalk, and just take pleasure in the walk. Also, I noticed there are different cements used in the sidewalk; one of the cements is glittery and super cool! It looks like someone spilled glitter all over it, and then the glitter settled into all the cement's grooves. Tried to take a picture of it, but the photo didn't catch the sparkle. Keep an eye out for bedazzled walkways.

43°F and raining...

... but still found spring!

Ran about 4 miles mid-town from 1st Ave to the West Side Highway and back. Dreary and rainy, but the streets still packed with people. Running hazards: umbrellas to the eye and dog poo in the sneaker (missed the former by a millimeter, but nailed the latter square in the treads). Cool stuff: running faster (for some reason, I run waaaay faster while weaving in and out of tourists and dodging sausage carts - its like I'm Mario holding down B), MoMa, Letterman, and concrete jungle animals.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bryant Park and the NYC Public Library

Ran 4.5 lovely miles, today... Lovely mostly because of my trusty iPhone, the Cross Process app, and, of course, Manhattan. The route was basically down 2nd Ave into Gramercy, eventually made my way over to 5th, and made my way back up after poking, jogging, and snapping photos around Bryant Park and the NYC Public Library.

Unfortunately, I did not spot Tim Gunn in or around Bryant Park (mental note, stalk Parson's and Liz Claiborne)... Nor did I find a pretty park. Right now, its all dug up as the city uninstalls the ice skating rink to make way for spring (yesss)!

And, just because, styrofoam heads are spooky cool.