Friday, April 16, 2010

45 blocks and back for great coffee...

... and it was totally worth it. The NY Times has an article about NYC's coffee, with a list of recommended coffee shops. It is my mission to visit every single one. Today, I ran down to E 7th St to sample the first place on the list, Abraco Espresso, poke around the neighborhood, and run home. Ordered a black drip coffee (brewed by the cup) and a slice of olive oil cake. Oh, man... I will run 90 blocks for coffee any day as long as its for this coffee! Its teeny tiny inside with standing room only, and outside there's a small bench and bar. Since today was slightly chilly, and I was boiling hot from running there, I people watched outside. The people watching is as good as the coffee.

To get there, I ran down 1st Ave, past the UN. There's a cute little park across the street from the UN, surrounded by an equally cute little neighborhood, so I detoured a bit to explore.

Post coffee, I putzed around Abraco for a bit before running home and decided the East Village is magic. Have only been there in nighttime drunkeness, so I've never been sure if it was as interesting and wacky as I remember, or if it was just me. Drunk. It fits my sober brain, too.

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