Sunday, May 8, 2011

Inspired by a Muddy Shoe

Aight. Running the Apple is back.

Shortly after my last post, I moved to the East Village... not far down the street from that amazing coffee place! (Score!) My two dogs moved with me, and now, I get to run with them instead of my iPhone. Hence, the year-long death of this blog. (Oooh! Zombie blog!)

Most of my running happens along the same gorgeous route along the East River, sometimes over one of the bridges and back, sometimes around the tip of the island and up the west side along the Hudson... In any case, in true New York circumstance, the same-ish route continually surprises me with unique experiences. For instance, this muddy shoe.

This muddy shoe... Its just brilliant! I spent the next 8 miles (well, maybe not all 8, but at least 3) imagining the fisherman who dredged it up's reaction. Was he just annoyed? Did he think it was as silly as I did? I hope he got a good chuckle in over it. Anyway, the muddy shoe inspired the return to Running the Apple. (Manu, I hope you're as excited as I am!)

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